Thursday, July 23, 2009

Sending Next Shipment to AFRICA

Hey there....just an update. Our next container load is due to ship in August! FHL is being sent to help the 20 orphanages and clinics that rely on us. They give FHL to all their patients who have AIDS.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

I heard from a friend of mine. Her friend is a young mom in her 30's. She was diagnosed last December with brain tumors. Aparently it is the kind that keeps growing and multiplying fast. She was given less than 5 years to live. She started the FHL right away. The FHL (flax hull lignans) is a natural concentrated extract from the shell of the flax seex that is known to be anti-cancer. In June she had more tests done and to her doctor's surprise, the cancer has decreased by half, and she hasn't been sick since she started the FHL!

Another friend of mine has been buying FHL for her friend in Pennsylvania with Pancreatic cancer. Her and another church member were diagnosed with pancreatic cancer about the same time. The friend taking the FHL looks good and can keep food down as long as she's taking the FHL. She wasn't convinced it was the FHL helping until she ran out for a few weeks. She immediately got ill and wasn't able to keep food down....until her friend shipped her some more. Now she's back to eating and feeling much better. The other gal who was diagnosed about the same time, isn't taking the FHL, and is very thin and unable to eat at this point. Things are looking grim for her....

Dr. Stephen Martin with has a ph.d in Immunology from Berkley. He claims that FHL causes cancer cells to "commit suicide". There is much more to be learned about FHL.... more later.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Shipping the next Container Load

We currently need to raise $6000 to send the next shipping container load overseas. We have $400,000 worth of FHL (Flax Hull Lignans) to send to Swaziland and South Africa, and it's going in one of those large shipping containers by boat. As soon as we raise the money, it will be on it's way. The people are running out, so it's important we get it over there soon! IF you want to donate, please consider giving at

Monday, February 9, 2009

3 HIV + kids test HIV negative after FHL!

3 kids, 2 in Swaziland and 1 in South Africa have tested HIV negative at government hospitals. The kids are part of the immunity boosting project sponsored by AIDS Research & Assistance Institute and were HIV positive before incorporating concentrated Flax Hull Lignans into their diet. Kids typically respond to Flax Hull Lignans with viral loads dropping and immune counts (CD-4) rising significantly. This is the first time doctors have verified their HIV negative status.